Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I'm an Addict. . .

Today, we are going to loosen our ties, take off the tin foil hats, and discuss a more light-hearted topic: Firearm Addiction.

I'm an addict.  Just about everyone reading this is an addict.  According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, addiction is "to devote or surrender (oneself) to something habitually or obsessively."  I tend to agree that I have surrendered myself to firearms habitually. . . I bring new ones home on a regular basis, I spend money on guns and ammunition that probably would be better served elsewhere, and there's just something about them that gives me that "warm and fuzzy" feeling.  Yeah, I'm an addict.

For some reason, I impulsively stop at the gun shop on the way home from work just about every Friday, and I compulsively spend more money on guns I don't need.  By my estimates, I've spent around $5,000 at my local gun shop in the past 18 months.  I'm currently in the process of paying off a pair of brand new Glock pistols, and I have a list of what's next. . . I see no end in sight.  I can try to avoid it, but there's always going to be that "slip" that dumps me right back into the vicious cycle.

But hey, I'm stimulating my local economy, right?  Yeah, that's true, I'm doing my part to help the locals out of this economic "slump."  Or at least that's how I manage to convince myself that "just one more" is okay.

So, I want to hear from you!  You've looked through the articles, you've seen the pictures of my collection, and you know I'm in too deep to just "give it up".  If you're on Facebook, you've seen more photos of my "hobby" (if you can even call it that).  I want to hear what you think, I want to know if you're as addicted as I am, and if you know of any cure.  I'm tired of being broke!  

Post your comments in the box below, join us on Facebook, or send us an email at thelowready@gmail.com .  

As always, thanks for checking in, and stay tuned, there are several more exciting articles in the works, including a sneak peek at a brand new segment about the new AR15 cartridge that's getting all the raves, .300AAC Blackout!


  1. Ill admit it...I have a problem, lol

  2. As they say, the first step toward recovery is admitting you have a problem. . . Of course, that's the first (and only) of the "12 Steps" that apply to our addiction, the others are rendered ineffective by stainless steel and gunpowder. haha
