Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Gun Control: Will It Solve Anything?

In response to the senseless shooting deaths of 27 people at the hands of a psychopath last month, President Obama signed 23 Executive Orders on Wednesday, January 16th, 2013.  The President also urged Congress to pass into law an Assault Weapons Ban, universal background checks, and magazine capacity limits.  What our politicians are able to come up with is not quite clear yet.

The proposals I've heard about so far have run the gamut from reinstating the 1994 Clinton Assault Weapons Ban to an all-out confiscation/forfeiture of any weapon with a single "military-like" characteristic.  We've all heard the same arguments from both sides.  "Think of the children!" and "We need more guns in schools!" immediately come to mind.  What I don't agree with is the fact that politicians, our representatives in government, are using this tragedy as a soapbox upon which to preach their agenda.  The knee-jerk reactions from the Left are forcing the Right to respond, which turns a tragedy into a political circus, which I personally find despicable.

Regardless of my personal feelings on the matter, the fact is simple.  There is a lot of talk of taking immediate action, and several things have already been done in response to this event.  I'm not here to try to scare you, or inform you of what's going on, because I believe it is your job to look at the information and come to your own conclusions.  It's not my place to convince you to agree or disagree with my opinion.  I will, however, strongly urge you to make your opinion known to your representatives.  If you think there should be no further gun control measures taken, write them a letter, make a quick phone call, send an email.  If you believe that the solution to the problem at hand is to eliminate assault weapons, restrict magazine capacities, and require stricter background checks for every firearm purchase, let your representatives know.

On the other side of the coin, not only should you let your representatives know YOUR opinions on the matter, but you should make an effort to learn THEIR stance as well.  It is increasingly important for everyone to do their part here.  Make your voices heard, and make sure your representatives are representing your interests, not their own.

Please take a moment to let us know where you stand, vote in the poll on the left side of the page.  We would love to hear your opinions below in the Comments section as well, or you can join the discussion on our Facebook page.