Wednesday, March 7, 2012

How to Obtain a Concealed Pistol License

This guide is specific to the State of Michigan, since I'm not familiar enough with the process in other states to comment.  It is rather disorganized now, but when I have some free time, I will clean it up a bit.

First of all, you need to determine of you are eligible.  Follow THIS LINK to see the requirements on the state's website (link opens new window).

Once you are sure you are eligible to apply, it is time to take the "CPL Class", which can be one of two different classes:

  • Michigan State Pistol Safety Course, which is taught by an MCOLES-Certified Peace Officer
  • National Rifle Association's "Personal Protection In The Home", which fulfills the requirement also
The class can cost anywhere from $50-$200, depending on how proud of themselves the instructors are.  Personally, I took the MCOLES class through a local Police Department (taught by the Chief of Police) at a cost of about $75.  Many classes will require you to bring your own pistol and ammunition, although there are some out there that provide them for you.  My belief is that if you are going to take the class to prove that you can safely defend yourself with a firearm, it should be done with the firearm you intend to carry.  I took my class with the Springfield XD45 that has been reviewed on this site, and surprisingly, I was one of ONLY THREE people in the class that was NOT shooting a .22 pistol.

Upon successful completion of the class, you will receive a "Certificate of Completion", which will need to be submitted along with the CPL Application Packet (the packet is often provided by the instructor of the CPL course, but if it is not, you can request one at your local County Clerk's Office).  Complete the packet, which consists of personal information and a questionnaire, and submit the CPL Packet, Certificate of Completion of the CPL course, a photograph (similar to a Passport photo, but not quite.  If you have this done somewhere that takes passport photos, tell them you need a CPL/CCW photo, and they will know what to do) and the $105 Application Fee to the County Clerk's Office.  After this is submitted, you aren't quite finished yet. . .

You must then take the Payment Receipt from the County Clerk's office to the Sheriff's Department (in my case, the County Clerk directed me to the City Police, so your results may vary), where you will be fingerprinted.  After this, they may give you a slip to return to the County Clerk, but they usually don't.

Then begins the waiting game.  You've shelled out the cash for the class, ammunition, and application fee, and possibly even paid for your fingerprints to be taken.  Since this process is handled by the County, and not by the State, you may experience a longer or shorter wait time than others.  Your application packet will be submitted to the "Gun Board," who will look at it, and decide "Yes" or "No" on granting the CPL.  Keep in mind, as long as you meet all of the requirements set forth by the State of Michigan in the link above, they are LEGALLY REQUIRED to grant your CPL.  They MAY require you to make an appearance before the Gun Board.  This could be because they have a question about one or more of the answers on the CPL application packet, or this could be because it is practice in that county to require all applicants to take time out of their busy schedules to go tell a group of County employees a bunch of information that is in black and white on the papers you already gave them.  Either way, as I stated, if you meet the State's requirements, the County is REQUIRED to grant your CPL application.  Expect this process to take a while, the average wait time seems to be right around 4-6 weeks.

After your packet is approved, you will either receive a phone call or a letter from the County Clerk's office informing you that your CPL is available for pickup.  When you arrive to pick up your CPL, they will ask you to sign it, and most counties will laminate the card for you.  Once that is done, and the card is in your possession, you are legally permitted to carry a concealed pistol!

Stay tuned for more information, we will be putting together an article about the "Do's and Don't's" of Concealed Carry!

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